Myths of sleep that are damaging your health

Myths of sleep that are damaging your health

The widely known myths about sleep we knew were doing good for us were actually hurting us and our behavior, and shortening our life expectancy, the researchers say.

A team at New York University did research on the Internet and then based on these researches in a study published in the Sleep Health magazine.

Myth 1 – Less than 5 hours of sleep are enough

Researchers say the myth that sleeping less than 5 hours of sleep is healthy is one of the most harmful myths for health.

“Sleep sleeping steadily less than 5 hours, greatly increases the risk for the adverse health effects,” said researcher Dr Rebecca Robbins.

These included cardiovascular disease, and shorter life expectancy.

It is recommended to sleep seven to eight hours of sleep one night.

Myth 2 – If you want a comfortable sleep, consume alcohol before sleeping

Relaxing dinnerware is also a myth, whether it’s a glass of wine, a glass of whiskey or a beer bottle.

“It can help you sleep faster, but dramatically reduce your vacation quality that night.”

It especially ruffles your REM (rapid eye movement) at the sleep stage, which is important for memory and learning.

So you can have your head more easily, but some of the benefits of sleep are missed.

Myth 3 – Watching TV before sleeping helps you relax more quickly

Often we say “I want to lie down before I sleep, and the best choice for this is to watch TV.”

The studies concluded that watching TV before you actually sleep does not help us relax, but can cause stresuse before bedtime in each of us.

Another issue related to TV as well as smartphones or tablets is that the blue light produced by them may delay the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

 Myth 4 – If you can not sleep, stay in bed

All of us often, even though we have not slept, lie down in bed and try to get to sleep. The best solution is to change the environment, and to make something more productive.

Myth 5 – Snoring is always harmless

Snoring can be harmless, but it can also be a sign of a sleep disorder.

This causes the throat walls to relax and narrow during sleep and may shortly breathe.

People with this condition are more likely to develop high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and have a heart attack or stroke.

One of the warning signs is strong noise.

Myth 4-Turns off the alarm alarm

Turning off the alarm and the desire to sleep another 5 minutes more sleep does not make a big difference.

You will just feel more tired.

A tip for you, open the curtains of your window to have more light when you wake up.