White points and black lines, everything says nails to your health

White points and black lines, everything says nails to your health

Long before you go to the doctor, the body gives you signals for your health. Nails are an important part that many of us ignore or dye with manicure and do not distinguish anything.

But there are some signs that show you what health problems you may have.

1- Dry breaks that break – Be dehydrated, so try to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

2 – Black lines – It may be melanoma, a serious type of skin cancer. It does not always happen to be cancer, but if you notice this on the nails you should visit the dermatologist.

3- Gentle Nails – If your nails are lightweight, you have a condition known as “hapalonychia”. This means that you have a protein shortage so make sure you add to your diet fish, green vegetables and orange like carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes.

4- Multi-line nails – This indicates that you have some vitamin deficiencies in your diet or are suffering from any illness. There may be a lack of sulfur found in milk and nut or you may have psychiatric disease or eczema. Make sure you meet your dermatologist to be sure.

5 – White Signs – Many people believe that they are lacking in calcium, but Tracey Winder trainer shows that they are caused by small bubbles of air clogged between nail cells. But it can also be caused by excessive manicure or menstrual problems.

6 – “Excessive” nails – These are small, but can be extremely painful when removed. They are caused by the lack of hydration around the cuticle, so be sure to use vitamins E and F for your hands.

7 – Yellow nails – Can be caused by smoking or manicure that is applied without a basic protective layer. But if you notice being obese and growing apart, it can be lung disease or rheumatoid arthritis.

8 – Swabian nails – This is a sign that you do not get enough iron. But it can also be related to any stomach disease, so you can do the tests to make sure.

9 – Archery nails – It may be inherited or it is a sign that something goes wrong with your health. They may be related to lung, heart, liver or gastric disease, so go to your doctor as soon as you notice it.